Stand cost $18.00
This little sign hangs on the fun stand $5.00
- This tile is a 12 x 12 with all the the B's - Humble, Grateful, Smart, Clean, True, Positive, Involved, Still, Prayerful.
This tile is a 6 x 6 that says It isn't what you do... KINDNESS It's the way you do it.
Cost : $5.00
My sister designed this darling book/journal. For those of you who can't quite seem to find the the time to journal the milestones, events of the day, funny things your kids say and so on this is for you. It has a block for everyday of the year that you just write what great thing happened that day. Every month has questions about your life at that point. For example: who are your neighbors? what time do the kids go to bed? what are your favorite candybars? how much does a candybar cost? It is a easy fun way to keep your family history. I did this all last year and my kids love looking back on what happened last year. Plus I have a record of when they lost their tooth, when we went on what vacation etc. I guarantee you will love it.
I will have mine out on display and selling them for $25.00